The 35th Anniversary of the Ghostbusters is upon us! Let’s celebrate with four spooktacular weekly comics featuring different Ghostbuster teams in all-new standalone adventures!
Ghostbusters 35th Anniversary: Ghostbusters
First out of the Firehouse are the original ‘busting team of Peter, Winston, Egon and Ray, who have seen a lot of things during their time as paranormal investigators, but the latest case might just turn history on its head! Could it be that they’ve found proof of… Atlantis? It’s a case full of saltwater and slime with the original Ghostbusters!
Ghostbusters 35th Anniversary: Real Ghostbusters
The Real Ghostbusters keep losing business to a flashy new rival ghost-catching company: Spooks Away! They seem to have better gear, better threads… better everything! In fact, Spooks Away seems determined to ruin the RGB. But there’s something far more sinister than a hostile takeover going on here, and it’s up to Ray Stantz to go undercover to find out who – or what – is behind Spooks Away’s sudden rise to supernatural elimination superstardom.
The Real Ghostbusters in an all-new original adventure by the ‘busterific creative team of Cavan Scott (Star Wars Adventures) and Marcelo Ferreira (Back to the Future)!
Ghostbusters 35th Anniversary: Ghostbusters – Answer the Call
Do demons get visitation rights? That’s the question facing a harried young mother as she tries to accommodate a stream of otherworldly visitors intent on paying their respects to her half-demon toddler. When the ghosts begin to herald the arrival of the girl’s father-rumored to be a class 7 entity-Mommy knows who she has to call: The ‘Answer the Call’ Ghostbusters! Erin, Abby, Patty, and Holtzman find themselves mediating the custody battle from hell… and it’s a scorcher!
The Answer the Call Ghostbusters in an all-new original adventure by the slimerific creative team of Devin Grayson (Nightwing) and SL Gallant (GI Joe: A Real American Hero)!
Ghostbusters 35th Anniversary: Extreme Ghostbusters
Some people wish for the ability to fully communicate with the animals around us, but when the furry, feathered, and finny inhabitants of the Central Park Zoo star talking and demand their release, the people of New York just wish they’d shut up! Egon Spengler and his Extreme Ghostbusters race to answer the call, unaware of one creature’s fiendish plot to control the possessed animals and drive them to attack humanity in revenge for their incarceration.
The Extreme Ghostbusters in an all-new original adventure by the mega-extreme creative team of Jim Beard and Keith Dallas (Ghostbusters: Con-volution) and Tim Lattie (Ghostbusters: Crossing Over)!