High-concept comics superstars Damon Gentry (Sabertooth Swordsman) and Troy Nixey (Jenny Finn, The Black Sinister, Trout) are back with an off-the-wall story with unforgettable art – Vinegar Teeth!
Artie Buckle is a grade ‘A’ schmuck. His excessive fondness for booze compliments his flash temper, but hold their feet to the fire, his fellow officers would agree; Artie is one helluva cop. He’s gonna need that scrap of goodwill because Brick City is under siege from its citizenry and to top it off Artie’s been saddled with the city’s newest hero as his partner; a hideous, monstrous, but completely likable, extra-dimensional being named Vinegar Teeth. Can Artie pull his head out long enough to work together with a Lovecraftian monster with a heart of gold and set Brick City back on its feet?
Strap in for a helluva ride with this epic genre mash-up of horror, humor, crime, and science fiction! You ain’t seen nothing like it!