Dynamite Entertainment proudly presents a new series, Nancy Drew, by Kelly Thompson (Hawkeye, Rogue & Gambit) and Jenn St-Onge (The Misfits, Giant Days). The teen sleuth’s latest daring adventure debuts in June, with cover variant artwork by the astonishing assemblage of Tula Lotay (All-Star Batman), Marguerite Sauvage (Bombshells), Annie Wu (Black Canary), and series artist Jenn St-Onge.
In the new series, Nancy Drew is seventeen and good at everything… especially solving crimes. But her totally-in-control-and-obviously-running-perfectly-smooth-(but-not-really) life hits a snag when a mysterious message drags her back to the hometown she left behind. There she’ll have to find out which of her friends are still her friends, which are enemies, and who exactly is trying to kill her…and (hopefully) stop them before they succeed. Nancy, the classic master teen mystery-cracker, will be shown in a way you’ve never seen before, by a creative team with a huge respect for the original tales, and what she could mean for a modern audience.