Barry Allen travels to Earth-Two and encounters Jay Garrick, The Flash of Earth-Two. Who is the real Flash, Barry Allen or Jay Garrick? This classic Silver Age story resurrected the Golden Age Flash and provided a foundation for the Multiverse homes from which he and the Silver Age Flash would hail. It was fitting that the historic meeting between the two Flashes should be written by Gardner Fox and drawn by Carmine Infantino, who had both chronicled the adventures of the Golden Age Flash in the 1940s. The creative duo sent the Silver Age Flash, Barry Allen, through an interdimensional rift to a parallel Earth where he would meet the childhood idol he had read about in “Flash Comics.” Allen’s timing couldn’t have been better: Jay Garrick, now 20 years older, had just decided to come out of retirement in the midst of a mysterious crime wave in Keystone City – a string of thefts by his old arch nemesis the Thinker, the Shade and the Fiddler.The Flashes became fast friends, and tracked down the dastardly trio to the Keystone City Museum, where they thwarted the villains’ plan to steal rare gems. The experience motivated Jay Garrick to remain out of retirement, while Barry Allen returned home to track down Flash Comic’s writer Gardner Fox and tell him of the fantastic adventure he had just shared with his “creation.”