Heavy Metal magazine is back! Heavier than ever! This relaunch brings the world’s greatest illustrated magazine back to the forefront of comics.
One of the magazine’s original line-up of legends, Enki Bilal – returns with the English language adaptation of his acclaimed BUG series. Michael Conrad (Hello Darkness, In Bloom) will be teaming up with Greek comics legend, Ilias Kyriazis (Collapser, What We Wished For), for an all-new series entitled Millstone. The outrageous Burton & Cyb returns with “Poor Monsters” by Antonio Segura and Jose Ortiz, as well as Vicente Segrelles’ classic, The Mercenary. The English language debut of Janevsky’s cult sci-fi heroine, Sixella. Guido Crepax’ classic character Valentina returns by the hands of writer/artist Sergio Gerasi. Heavy Metal will harness the power of its own rich stable of characters, starting with the ultimate Taarakian warrior, Taarna! Writing duo Leah Moore and John Reppion will pen Taarna’s ongoing adventures, accompanied by art from Anna Morozova. Also featuring one-shots of: Cold Dead War (B-17) by Craig Wilson, Grimaldi by Keron Grant, and Legends of Taarna by Joseph Michael Linsner. Fernando Dagnino brings a new cyberpunk short: Lester, That Old Feeling. The return of classic strips The Bus by Paul Kirchner and June 2050 by John Workman. Visionary creators David Quinn and Tim Vigil deliver Transcendestiny. Writer/artist Dwayne Harris gives us the fantasy tale They Dug Too Deep. Jim Rugg exposes Kecksburg UFO and Jon Wayshak writes and draws a horror short entitled Cobot. Plus Interviews, The Dossier, prose fiction and more!