Over the last few years, the Spider-Verse and Venomverse have exploded with new characters in blockbuster comic book series like EDGE OF SPIDER-VERSE and VENOMVERSE REBORN. But the Marvel Multiverse isn’t big enough for both Spider and symbiote. This April, choose a side as webheads and symbiote hosts wage war in SPIDER-VERSE VS. VENOMVERSE.
Crafted by writers Mat Groom and Kyle Higgins and superstar artist Luciano Vecchio, this five-issue epic spins out of March’s WEB OF SPIDER-VERSE: NEW BLOOD and April’s WEB OF VENOMVERSE: FRESH BRAINS, two one-shots that will debut major players for the reality-shattering battles ahead. The armies amassed will include a wide range of characters including icons like Spider-Man and Venom, along with fan-favorite and recently-introduced newcomers from previous Spider-Verse and Venomverse stories.
The arachnid war is here! With the fates of the SPIDER-VERSE and VENOMVERSE hanging in the balance, these eight-legged warriors will stop at nothing from protecting their people – or die trying! Will Spider-Man and friends succeed in protecting the Web-Heart? Or will Venom and his symbiotic comrades prove that the Hive-Mind fights for its survival? Meet the newest Web-Head Spider-Prowler as well as the mysterious symbiote Yaleo as this savage battle risks their extinction!