A five-part prestige series bringing to life characters like Wolverine, Psylocke, Venom, and more in Peach Momoko’s one-of-a-kind style.
Death of Doctor Strange: X-Men / Black Knight
London’s burning! The Black Knights ride again! All manner of vile extradimensional foes invade Earth following the collapse of Doctor Strange’s magical safeguards for the planet. Dane Whitman, A.K.A. the Black Knight, receives a terrible vision from the Ebon Siege while Jacks, now sharing the burden of the Ebony Blade with her father, rides off […]
X-Men: Onslaught – Revelation
The Onslaught is upon you! Can Nightcrawler light the spark that will drive out the shadows… or will Krakoa slip into the abyss…?
Mastermind of the X-Men, Jonathan Hickman brings his plans to a head, joined by an incredible lineup of artists.
Dark Ages
A danger older than the Earth threatens everything. An all-new saga of the Marvel Universe from Tom Taylor and Iban Coello!
X-Men: Trial of Magneto
Leah Williams and Valerio Schiti bring you a new epic that threatens the Reign of X and will upend the world of mutants.
The X-Men are the chosen champions of mutantkind, and they will not shrink from any battle for their home planet.
Planet-Size X-Men
The Hellfire Gala rages on in one of the most pivotal chapters yet in Jonathan Hickman’s X-Men era. But even bigger things are afoot…
Demon Days: Mariko
In the shadow of kirisaki mountain… a secret history comes to light! Book two of five of the Demon Days saga by Stormbreaker Peach Momoko!
X-Men: Curse of the Man-Thing
Man-Thing must reckon with his past deeds if he hopes to emerge renewed and rescue a world on fire.
As the Reign of X continues, what are the wants of the mutants who have everything? Leading the charge is X-Corporation!
Heroes Reborn: Magneto and Mutant Force
When a mission puts the Mutant Force back on the Squadron Supreme’s radar, can Magneto resurrect hope for Mutantkind before it’s too late?